Wow Amazing ! Tips - 3 Dates Daily Intakes Could Help You Away From These Illness

You're might fan of sweetness and kind of chocolate or sugar and candies might be part of your sweet snacks during your leisure time 

Well in case if you are part of these person now it's better to try something new , turn into dates and just feel the different of your body mostly from healthy aspect !

There are lots of benefit for you taking chance of dates intake , at least three dates for a week and see what is happening then ...

The date contains of natural sugars like glucose, fructose and sucrose which will provide burst of energy , aside of that benefit it also contain high fiber, potassium, vitamins, magnesium plus antioxidants that are beneficiary to keep your level up

The regularly dates intake will also help your colon to digest more, your digestive system would run nice - by having one cup of dates it would be 12 grams of fiber !

It has been tested to people based to British Journal of Nutrition , people who consumed 7 dates per day for about 21 days significantly showing a better digestive system of improvement in stool frequency and bowel movement than those who don't consume dates

Conducted by department of Food and Nutritional Sciences it found that the date could enhance the colon health since it increases the growth of good bacteria plus inhibiting the colon cancer cells

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