Knowledge - Higher Risk Of Corona Virus Covid-19

The corona virus outbreaks or Covid-19 has leading panic and stressful mind globally where leave no empty space for us to breath a while since this virus has spread globally and leading to the epidemic to pandemic status by WHO

According to CDC early informations has showed us that those who being infected by this outbreaks are some people at higher risk of getting sick that are older adults and people who already have earlier chronic medical conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, also lung disease

This is a very important point as if you are include of those people at higher risk of Covid-19 it's highly recommended to take serious actions to avoid the infection no matter due to the age or serious medical condition and it is very important taking action to avoid of getting sick

Been suggested to stay at home at period of time and avoid to be in crowds as possible you can and take everyday precautions to keep space between yourself and other people and try to limit your contact to less the risk of infection and wash out your hands mostly after going out to public space

Things that should be considered is stock such as contact healthcare provider for asking obtain extra necessary medicines to have on hand in case there is Covid-19 outbreak in community and this way urged you to stay in home for prolonged period of time 

Most people likely easy to recover from home so this is what you need to ensure you are having extra medications plus ensure have over the counter medicines also medical supplies like tissues, hand hygiene products, hand sanitizer, facemasks and any medical treatment

Be sure before the outbreak is getting worse there is no denial we need to do stock at home like supplies of household items and groceries in case worse situation leading us to lockdown status , ensure you will stay at home and avoid getting out so better to stock some of foods meals as part of precautions for period of time 

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