Do Not Panic Here Are Steps To Keep You Save From Corona Virus Outbreaks

The corona virus outbreaks or covid-19 disease has spread to whole world after its first hit mainland China and it's become of global and our awareness to keep us stay healthy and avoid to get infected

Some steps and Preventions has been geared up and we still to do more following guidances from centers of disease (CDC), peoples are stressful enough caused of this covid-19 that the antivirus haven't been found yet and they need to do some Preventions to protect themselves and families

First thing to do is keep pay attention what happening to local community and do following suggestions that government has been taken , follow the directions of state and local authorities

It is very important to limit the spread of germs and prevent infection by following steps you need to do and inform to dearest around

Stay home and work from home as this is very important to keep us away of getting infected , don't gather with more than ten people in these recent situation

Practice social distancing by keeping distance about six feet from others in case it's urgent to go out in public

Wash your hands very often by soap and water at least 20 seconds mostly after you comeback from public place or after blowing nose coughing or sneezing and it is very important sometime we need to go mobile in urgent and can't take soap with then bring hand sanitizer with at least contains 60% alcohol

Important for not touching face area eyes nose and mouth by unwashed hands and try to avoid those people who infected or in condition with symptoms

If you are unwell or sick try to stay at home or in case you can go out for having medical check

If you are coughing or sneezing try to use clean tissue and trash it don't throw elsewhere , if tissue not available then use elbow or sleeves but not your hands since if you feel infected then if you touching something then your hand will leave droplets that might become source of others to get infected with

Another steps that can be taken is surely you need to clean and disinfect the surface of frequently touched area daily to ensure there is no droplets left there include tables, doorknobs, light switches, handles, desks, computers, phones, keyboards, sinks, toilets faucets and countertops

Clean then all frequently use detergent or soap and water prior to disinfectant

Wear facemask for covering your fave from any droplets that can be airborne, mostly when you around people or sharing room or vehicles

Covid-19 symptoms that common are fever above 38 degrees, shortness of breath and dry cough and may appears 2 - 14 days after exposures so you can call your doctor when think have been exposed


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