Here Are Listed Some Of Prostate Cancer Signs Or Symptoms You Need To Know !

Prostate cancer one of most common type of cancer that occurred in men, occurs in small walnut-shaped gland which usually not bring much harm 

Yet for some men , prostate cancer can be slowly in grow and rapid in developing, aggressive and spread quickly which lead to some of better treatments 

For an earlier steps it's very important for you to do earlier check and if ever you have that symptoms of prostate cancer and detected to have that kind of disease it would be better chance for having earlier treatments

So what are those symptoms of prostate cancer you need to know ?

There are no signs or symptoms can be defined at early stage, while for some of advanced prostate cancer may cause signs as stated below :
  1. Bone pain
  2. Discomfort feeling at pelvic area
  3. Blood in semen
  4. Have trouble during urinating
  5. Stream urine may decreased
  6. Erectile dysfunction
In case one of more than the stated above symptoms occurred in you it's quite recommended to have appointment with doctor immediately for a more test of having prostate cancer screening for a medical treatment 

You can simply discuss with doctor according to the disease and what is better treatment that will perfect and suitable for you, just never wait until it's late

Another things to know ...

Factors that can make your risk of prostate cancer worse 

Here are some of risk factors that may worsen your prostate cancer 
  1. Age - the older you are, it's instantly increasing the risk of prostate cancer 
  2. Race - in here we never meant to do determination, yet black men having a great risk upon prostate cancer which likely to be more advanced and aggressive 
  3. Genes , family history - those who have family that possess history of prostate cancer or breast cancer BRCA1 and BRCA2 tend to have a more prostate cancer risk 
  4. Obesity - men in obese tend to have high or advanced prostate cancer risk
Complication of prostate cancer you need to know ..

It's benefit to know that prostate cancer can spread or affecting nearby organs like bladder or travel through bloodstream or even lymphatic system , this is why for some men they tend to have bone pain since the cancer already spread to the bone which lead to pain and broken bones - this could be treated as soon as possible with some medical treatments yet likely very hard to be cured 

Erectile dysfunction also may occurred once men detected to suffer from prostate cancer or perhaps through it's treatment like hormone treatments, surgery and radiation - the treatment that can be taken are vacuum devices for erection and surgery

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